
take back是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

take back

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第三人称单数:takes back  现在分词:taking back  过去式:took back  过去分词:taken back  同义词反义词

v.stick to,give back,keep




na.1.to take something that you have bought back to the shops because it is broken or not suitable2.to admit that something you said to or about someone was wrong3.to gain possession of something previously held but lost or given up4.to accept someone again after they have left a relationship, job etc and want to return to it5.to remind someone of something in the past1.to take something that you have bought back to the shops because it is broken or not suitable2.to admit that something you said to or about someone was wrong3.to gain possession of something previously held but lost or given up4.to accept someone again after they have left a relationship, job etc and want to return to it5.to remind someone of something in the past

1.收回 take away 拿走 134) take back 收回,带回 135) take hold of 抓住…… 136) ...

2.拿回 take after ① 长得像 ②追赶(美国英语) take back拿回 ②退缩 take down ① 写下、记下 ②拿下 ...

3.取消 69. take care 关心 70. take back 拿回,收回;取消;带回去 71. take a walk 散步 ...

4.取回 (6) 得到[ get] (8) 收进,取回[ take back] (9) 买入,收入[ buy] ...

5.拿回,收回 call back 回电话 take back 拿回,收回 4.动词+ for run for 竞选 ...

6.拿回来 take away 拿走,离开 take back 拿回来 take back one's words 收回(刚讲的话) ...

7.同意收回 Cf. take after 相似 take back 撤销;同意收回;同意回来 take for 当作;误认为 ...

8.退回 take away 拿走,拿去,使离开 take back 退回,拿回,收回 take down 拿下, …


1.When Judah sent the young goat by his friend the Adullamite to take back the pledge from the woman's hand, he did not find her.犹大托他朋友亚杜兰人送一只山羊羔去,要从那女人手里取回当头来,却找不著他。

2.Mrs. Long insisted that Tom should take back what he said about his uncle and aunt and behave properly in his new surroundings.龙夫人坚持认为汤姆应该收回他对他叔婶所说的那一番话并要他在这个新的环境中注意言谈举止。

3.I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Dew so dearly.我很抱歉她为此浪费了时间,金钱和精力,但是我不能收回我对露所作的爱的承诺。

4.Authorities have told her not to attempt to take back the children forcibly.不过,琳恩的律师告诫她不要指望强行将孩子夺回来。

5.Mr. Clack face slowly turned red. He looked at Linda and said, "I'm very sorry. Linda. I take back what I said. "克拉克先生的脸渐渐红了,他看了看琳达,惭愧地说:“对不起,琳达,我收回我说过的话。”

6.He said he would never take back his promise.他说他绝不取消他的许诺。

7.But, I do not take back what I said: you listen to today the salesperson only.但是,我并不收回我今天所说的话:您听信了一面之词。

8.Well, you know, if I was you, I would get myself to the Bahamas, grab a fistful of that slut's hair and take back my man.如果我是你我会自己去巴哈马扯掉那个荡妇的头发然后把我的男人抢回来

9."Did your brother entrust anything to you to take back to England? " said he.“你的弟弟有没有托你带什么东西回英国?”他说道。

10.Wow. I take back what I said. How much did you win?哇!我收回刚才我所说的话。你中了多少钱?